Select the records which are not selected before with locking them and update their status as selected so that they can not be selected by different thread again.
In the example below i tried to show how to overcome such a problem with a locking cursor. The variables in curly brackets can be customized. They can be your own objects.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pull_records return {new collection of object type} is rowidarr {new collection of varchar2}; recordarr {new collection of object type}; CURSOR curpull IS SELECT ROWIDTOCHAR(ROWID) FROM {TABLE_NAME} where {pulled_before = false} FOR UPDATE NOWAIT SKIP LOCKED; begin OPEN curpull(); FETCH curpull BULK COLLECT INTO rowidarr LIMIT 1; CLOSE curpull; IF rowidarr IS NULL THEN rowidarr := {new table of varchar2}; END IF; -- update pulled records as pulled_before so that they are not selected in the next cycle FORALL i IN NVL(rowidarr.FIRST, 1) .. NVL(rowidarr.LAST, -1) UPDATE {TABLE_NAME} e SET {e.pulled_before = true} WHERE ROWID = CHARTOROWID(rowidarr(i)) RETURNING value(e) BULK COLLECT INTO recordarr; -- if recordarr is null then return an empty array IF recordarr IS NULL THEN recordarr := {new collection of object type}; END IF; COMMIT; return recordarr; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; end;
The key section in the code above is FOR UPDATE NOWAIT SKIP LOCKED. This does the job for us. It locks the selected rows and we update the indicator field after locking. Then after committing, the rows are free with their new selected before statuses :)) So the other threads never see them in the "not pulled" state.
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